The Savage Soul®

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Latest Posts:

  • New FAQs and Errata
    New FAQs have been added regarding “Non-Combat Speed” and “Automatic Reduction of Injury Condition.” Additionally, the “Shape Change” spell group has been significantly revised (see Errata).
  • Save on Potions & Chemicals!!!
    The cost of all chemicals, potions, chemical supplies, and potion supplies have been drastically reduced. See the Errata for the new tables. [All new costs are reflected in the Character Generator.]
“Union Square” by Sandi (artstylemode on Fiverr) and Maria P. (marlep628 on Fiverr)

The Game

One hundred and fifty years after a mysterious virus and nuclear destruction ravaged the Earth, a new world has risen from the ashes.  It is a world of men and monsters, of science and magic, of incredible wonders and sudden, violent death.  Welcome to the world of The Savage Soul™.

Prepare to experience a role-playing game like no other.  Set in a rich world that incorporates virtually every genre (fantasy, science fiction, horror, espionage, etc.), The Savage Soul™ provides limitless possibilities for adventure.  Moreover, with a tactical and deadly combat system inspired by action movies and tabletop wargames, The Savage Soul™ will keep each player on the edge of his or her seat.

Play-tested for more than forty years, The Savage Soul™ rules cover almost every imaginable situation, including initiating encounters, combat actions and reactions, firearms, explosives, magic, crafting, animal training, persuasion, haggling, vehicle combat, and the effects of injury, fatigue, encumbrance, disease, and much more.

In The Savage Soul™, players can face thugs, zombies, monsters, robots, demons, magical constructs, and seductive beauties, all in the course of a single adventure, limited only by the imagination and desires of the Game Master.  The Savage Soul™ is an addictive experience that sets a new standard for modern RPGs.

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Please send questions and comments to Bogo. Thank you!