Errata vs. Soulgen
The Savage Soul® Character Generator (Soulgen) is updated much more frequently than this Errata and may include minor revisions (such as Peculiarity costs, weapon stats, etc.) that are not reflected in the Errata. As a result, where there is a conflict between the Soulgen and the rules (or the Errata) it is best to rely upon the Soulgen.
2023 Edition Errata
Note: With the release of the 2023 Edition, errata is no longer be provided for the 2021 and 2021A Editions. The 2023 Edition is available from Amazon or Barnes & Noble.
6.6.4. Lockstep
Replace all references to “Double-Time or Sprint Action” with “Double-Time, Sprint, Leap, Running Leap, or Ram Action.”
8B.2.1-3. Multi-Weapon Attack, Sweeping Blow, and Combination Strike
These Special Melee Attacks are mutually exclusive. For example, a character performing a Combination Strike cannot use his resulting melee attacks to perform Multi-Weapon Attacks or Sweeping Blows, etc.
8B.2.5. Power Strike
Replace the entire section with the following:
A character that is able to wield his melee weapon with two hands (i.e., he has a melee weapon in one hand and has nothing in his other hand) may use the weapon to perform a Power Strike, winding up before the attack and delivering the blow with as much force as possible. The attack is performed at a -2 Attack penalty (which also applies to Quickness). If successful, increase the DC of the attack by +1. Additionally, any successful Block of a Power Strike, with an SM of less than 5, will result in the blocking weapon/object suffering damage at a Random SM (Section 4.3).
9.10.6. Recovery from Illness
Change “at the same DF that is required to resist suffering damage from the illness” to “at a DF equal to 10 plus the disease level.”
13.1.3. Nature Spirit
Add “Shape Change” (as revised below), Neutralize Poison (from “Alter Substance”), and Create Food (from “Alter Substance”) to the list of permissible Divine Intervention spells. Additionally, under exceptional circumstances the GM may permit other uses of Divine Intervention that are consistent with the “nature spirit” concept and not “game changing.” For example: If the character Binds a villain that has desecrated sacred woods, the GM may permit the character to perform “Strong Magic” to make the Bind permanent as a fitting punishment.
13.1.4. Animal Spirit
Add “Shape Change” (as revised below) and Neutralize Poison (from “Alter Substance”) to the list of permissible Divine Intervention spells. Additionally, under exceptional circumstances the GM may permit other uses of Divine Intervention that are consistent with the “animal spirit” concept and not “game changing.”
Replace the tables on Page 243 with the following:

APPENDIX A1: Mindless Hunger (New Peculiarity)
Add the following Peculiarity: Mindless Hunger
Level 1 (Type: X, Value 7C+2NC): This Peculiarity includes “Mindless” and “Ravenous.”
APPENDIX A1: Mindless Rage (New Peculiarity)
Add the following Peculiarity: Mindless Rage
Level 1 (Type: X, Value 7C+2NC): This Peculiarity includes “Mindless” and “Vicious.”
APPENDIX A1: Soft Spot (New Peculiarity)
Add the following Peculiarity: Soft Spot
Level 1 (Type: M; Value: 1C): Against any hit of SM 5 or higher (after Active Defense, if any), reduce the character’s effective Damage Resistance by 2. This reduction applies regardless of whether the hit ignores armor.
Level 2 (Type: M; Value: 2C): Against any hit of SM 5 or higher (after Active Defense, if any), reduce the character’s effective Damage Resistance by 4. This reduction applies regardless of whether the hit ignores armor.
Change the first sentence to read: Each Attribute Modifier (AM) Peculiarity provides a bonus to one or more Attributes at the expense of other Attributes or abilities.
APPENDIX A2: AM: Born Leader
Add the following Attribute Modifier Peculiarity:
AM: Born Leader (Type = T)
Level 1 (Cost 1C): +1 Leadership; cannot ever have MA: Animal Spirit, MA: Dark Pact, MA: Nature Spirit, or MA: Spiritual Calling,
Level 2 (Cost 2C): When attempting “Rally” (Section 6.7.2) or competing for Dominance and Motivation (Section 6.2.2), the character may reroll a d10 result of Natural 1. If the reroll is also a Natural 1, it stands and cannot be rerolled.
Note: This Peculiarity is specifically meant to afford an advantage to leaders that are not also practitioners of “Divine Magic” (Section 13.1). If circumstances warrant a character with AM: Born Leader gaining one of the Divine Magic Peculiarities (e.g., a prince deciding to become a priest), the character will lose AM: Born Leader (and regain any Cs spent on the Peculiarity).
APPENDIX A2: AM: Genteel
Change “+1 Leadership; +1 Performance” to “+1 Leadership; +1 Performance; -1 Body”.
APPENDIX A4: Miraculous Casting
Replace the entire second paragraph with the following:
When a caster uses “Miraculous Casting” to perform a Ritual spell upon another character and the target is not expressly willing to accept the spell’s effects, treat the Ritual like a “Hex” spell (Section with a “Success Requires” score equal to the PL of the Ritual (and the target resisting with Body, Will Power, or Intellect). For example: Porto has “Miraculous Casting” at Level 2 and “Banish” (a PL2 Ritual). In combat, if Porto wants to Banish an enemy (e.g., to a prison cell 1,000 kilometers away), he must sacrifice two mana and two magical components and successfully perform the spell at PL 17. The target may then attempt to resist using Body, Will Power, or Intellect. If the ultimate Success Margin (i.e., the difference between Porto’s attempt total and the target’s resistance total) is 2 or greater, the Banishment is successful. If the Success Margin is less than 2, the target resists the Banishment, and it has no effect.
APPENDIX A7: PW: Death or Glory
Add the following: “Note: Drinking an ‘“’Essence of Sleep’ potion will cancel the effects of “Death or Glory” for one hour.”
APPENDIX A7: PW: Divisible
Increase the cost of all levels of Divisible by +1C and +2NC, as follows: Level 1 cost: 2C+2NC; Level 2 cost: 3C+2NC; Level 3 cost: 4C+2NC; Level 4 cost: 5C+2NC; Level 5 cost: 6C+2NC.
Ignore the second (duplicate) section entitled “Invulnerable to Blunt”.
APPENDIX A7: PW: Onboard Equipment
At all levels, change the “Type” from “T” to “M”.
APPENDIX A7: PW: Ramming Aid
Add the following to the description:
Ramming Aid is ineffective if the character is moving at non-combat speed (i.e., faster than the character could move when performing a Ram Action).
APPENDIX A7: PW: Stretching
Add the following to the description:
If the range to a target is greater than half the character’s maximum “Strike/Wrestling Range,” apply a -2 Attack penalty to the Strike or Grab attempt. For example: A character with PW: Stretching (3) could attempt a Strike or Grab attack at a range of up to 8 meters without suffering a range-based Attack penalty. If he were to attempt to Strike or Grab a target at a range of between 9 and 16 meters, however, he would suffer a range-based Attack penalty of -2.
APPENDIX A8: SK: Super Strength (Heroic Games Only)

APPENDIX A8: SK: Acrobat
For “ACROBATIC STRIKE,” disregard the description and use the following:
ACROBATIC STRIKE: The character may attempt an “Acrobatic Strike” (with any Melee weapon) by performing an Athletics attempt. If the Attempt Total is 7 or less (or an Automatic Failure), the attack automatically fails, and the character suffers a Knockdown (Section If the Attempt Total is less than 12, the attack automatically fails. If the Attempt Total is 12 or higher (but less than 15), perform the melee attack as normal and increase the DC by +1. If the Attempt Total is 15 or higher, perform the melee attack as normal and increase the DC by +2. [Note: This error has been corrected in books printed after November 1, 2022.]
APPENDIX A8: SK: Lockpick
For “Lockpick Level 5,” disregard the description and use the following: “The character can automatically pick Flawless Quality locks and receives a +2 Craft bonus when attempting to pick Legendary Quality locks.”
APPENDIX A8: SK: Savant (New Peculiarity)
Add the following Peculiarity: SK: Savant
Levels 1-5 (Type: P; Cost: 1NC/Level): For purposes of satisfying Peculiarity requirements, increase the character’s effective Intellect score by the character’s “Savant” level.
APPENDIX B7: “Switch” Weapons
Add the following:
“Switch” weapons are capable of inflicting either Energy or Shock damage (Appendix C.3). Switching between the types of damage requires an Instant Action. [EH2 Security Pistols and ER2 Security Rifles are now available on the Character Generator.]
APPENDIX D: Shape Change
Change the Duration for PLs 3 through 5 to “Mana” and add the following limitation (ignoring any existing language inconsistent with this limitation):
Only the following Peculiarities are available through Shape Change: MV: Climber, MV: Runner, MV: Super-Leap; MV: Swimmer, MV: Wings, PW: Amorphous (up to Level 2), PW: Armor Piercing, PW: Damage Shield (Blunt or Sharp); PW: Extra Arms, PW: Extra Legs, PW: Invisibility (up to Level 3), PW: Luminescent, PW: Multiple Heads, PW: Natural Armor; PW: Natural Armor Quality (up to Level 3), PW: No Arms, PW: No Legs, PW: No Limbs, PW: Physical Beauty (up to Level 3), PW: Ramming Aid, PW: Resistant to Cold (up to Level 2), PW: Resistant to Heat (up to Level 2), PW: Respiration (up to Level 2), PW: Sharp Strike; PW: Slippery; PW: Special Grab, PW: Sting, PW: Stretching, PW: Terrifying (up to Level 2), PW: Tough Feet, PW: Voice Mimic.
Disregard the level-specific Physical Beauty ranges. At any PL, the subject’s Physical Beauty may range from “Ugly” to the subject’s actual Physical Beauty. At Levels 3 through 5, a caster may assign bonus Cs to increase Physical Beauty (see above).
Disregard the level-specific Size/Mass alterations. At Level 3, the caster may increase or decrease the Subject’s Size/Mass by 1 level (to a minimum of Size/Mass 1) but must expend the bonus C to do so. At Level 4, the caster may increase or decrease the Subject’s Size/Mass by up to 2 levels (to a minimum of Size/Mass 1) but must expend 1 bonus C for each level of Size/Mass. At Level 5, the caster may increase or decrease the Subject’s Size/Mass by up to 3 levels (to a minimum of Size/Mass 1) but must expend 1 bonus C for each level of Size/Mass.